Israeli Military Veterans, Key Supporters of Protest Movement, Pledge to Persist in Demonstrations

Israeli Military Veterans, Key Supporters of Protest Movement, Pledge to Persist in Demonstrations

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In a sea of Israeli flags, Yiftach Golov stands out holding one that represents our group called “Brother and Sisters in Arms.” We are veterans, many of us from elite forces, who now feel like we are fighting on a new battlefield – to save Israeli democracy. Our goal is to defend Israel and stop the madness that is happening in our government.

Golov, who served in a special forces reconnaissance unit, was never before particularly political. But when the protest movement against the government’s judicial overhaul plan began, he joined thousands of veterans and military reservists who have taken up the cause. Some, like elite Air Force reservists, have even threatened to refuse service in protest of the government’s plans.

Our group, Brothers and Sisters in Arms, has become active organizers and demonstrators in the protests. We use the skills we learned in the military to organize and mobilize the protests. We have a deep feeling of being part of something bigger than ourselves and are willing to sacrifice anything for the cause. Our motivation keeps us highly motivated despite the lack of sleep and the challenges we face.

The pressure from veterans like us has been seen as a key to moving the needle in the protest movement. Despite Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announcing a pause to the legislation, the protests are still going strong. Last week’s demonstration in Tel Aviv had an estimated 150,000 people, and organizers claimed it was 230,000.

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